
Welcome! I’ve read dozens of blogs and articles on how to prepare for auditions, but none on how to deal with the travel nuts and bolts of them. This blog is mainly geared towards musicians (auditioning or not), but can be beneficial to anyone who enjoys traveling as cheaply as possible. I’m tired of seeing people spend upwards of $1,000 on a single audition. I’ll explain how I’ve taken auditions on the other side of the country for $11 or how my wife and I took a week and a half long Hawaiian vacation for a few hundred dollars and a recent European vacation for practically free.


Our recent trip to Europe

I’ve helped several friends over the past year and a half travel for free and the comment I keep hearing is “you should really start a blog.” So here we are! I’ll also explain how to navigate the tricky new ivory travel restrictions, make sure your instrument is safe while travelling, and other hot topics. If you need some one-on-one help, check out the Plan My Trip! section above and I’’ll do everything that I can to help you take your next trip for as close to free as possible.

This is exciting and I’m looking forward to sharing everything I’ve learned!

– Joey

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